By people for people.
Ethical labor migration in healthcare
Founded in 2014, Educaro GmbH is the first international educational institution for ethical employment migration in the healthcare sector. Educaro is based on an international corporate structure with headquarters in Düsseldorf and locations in seven countries on five continents, which operate locally in the respective countries.
In addition to operating our own language and cultural schools to ensure the quality of the language training of our specialists, we also rely on a global partner network and on intensively trained employees in order to implement all processes in the complex migration process as transparently and smoothly as possible.

We think globally, we act locally
A strong international network with its own infrastructure and reliable partners.
Sustainable personnel strategies
We offer sustainable personnel solutions from a single source, from the selection process to aftercare after entry.
Global partner with local competencies

Educaro in Central and South America
Educaro Mexico
Our first educational facility in Mexico opened in Mexico City in 2019. Educaro Mexico is a subsidiary of Educaro GmbH. Our on-site team – consisting of educators, advisors and coaches – takes care of the linguistic, technical and cultural preparation of all students.
- German educators on site
- Language courses up to level B1
- Intercultural coaching & workshops
Nursing in Mexico: Many Mexican nurses are highly motivated and willing to work in order to find their long-term, professional and private future in Germany. High training standards and a cultural proximity to Europe are also promising factors that many employers in Germany value
Educaro Colombia
Educaro Colombia was founded in 2020. Our education and training center in Bogotá coordinates the qualification of all Colombian students. Together with our cooperation partner Meeting Point, the students are trained linguistically, culturally and professionally by qualified educators.
- German educators on site
- Language courses up to level B1
- Intercultural coaching & workshops
- More than 100 students in the courses
Nursing in Colombia: The nursing profession in Colombia is characterized by a high degree of academization and enjoys a very high reputation. Therefore, the practice of the profession is linked to correspondingly high admission criteria, so that only the best manage to secure a place at the university.
Educaro in Europe and Asia
Educaro India
Our first educational facility in Mexico opened in Mexico City in 2019. Educaro Mexico is a subsidiary of Educaro GmbH. Our on-site team – consisting of educators, advisors and coaches – takes care of the linguistic, technical and cultural preparation of all students.
- German educators on site
- Language courses up to level B1
- Intercultural coaching & workshops
Nursing in Mexico: Many Mexican nurses are highly motivated and willing to work in order to find their long-term, professional and private future in Germany. High training standards and a cultural proximity to Europe are also promising factors that many employers in Germany value.
Educaro Türkiye
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Educaro in Africa
Educaro Tunisia
Der Ursprung des internationalen Pflegeprogrammes von Educaro hat seine Wurzeln in Tunesien, wo 2016 die erste Sprachschule in Tunis eröffnet wurde, zunächst ausgelegt auf die Unterstützung tunesischer Studenten im Rahmen der Bildungsmigration. Als 2018 plötzlich immer mehr Pflegekräfte das Sprachkursangebot wahrnahmen, war das der Auftakt für das internationale Pflegeprogramm von Educaro.
- Deutsche Pädagogen vor Ort
- B1 Sprachkurse
- Interkulturelle Coachings & Workshops
Pflege in Tunesien: Das tunesische Gesundheitssystem zählt zu den Besten des afrikanischen Kontinents. Die Grundausbildung zur Pflegekraft basiert auf dem französischen und deutschen System, weshalb sich vor allem im Bereich der Basispflege viele Überschneidungen finden. Die Studierenden erhalten sowohl auf theoretischer als auch auf praktischer Ebene eine sehr detaillierte Ausbildung. Auf praktischer Ebene müssen in allen Gesundheitsdiensten und Krankenhausabteilungen Praktika absolviert werden. Somit verfügen die Pflegekräfte nicht nur über Kenntnisse aus der Grundpflege, sondern auch über ein entsprechendes Knowhow in der Intensivpflege.
Fair, ethical recruitment of professionals
We are committed to fair and ethical recruitment and placement practices. We align our corporate practices with the WHO Code of Conduct for the International Recruitment of Health Professionals and follow the “employer pays” principle.
This ensures that the nurses in the program are not charged any fees. In addition, the international human rights treaties of the United Nations, the ILO core labor standards and the IRIS standards of the International Organization for Migration determine our daily work.

Our history
Founding of Educaro GmbH
We supported young people abroad during language training and noticed that the students were very interested in a professional future in Germany because of the difficult prospects in their home country. In order to be able to offer the students these opportunities, Educaro was created in 2014
01-08-2014First own language school in Tunisia and India
Through numerous discussions with the local people, we quickly realized that a sound education and preparation for life in Germany can only be sustained with physical infrastructure. In 2016 we founded the first educational institutions abroad.
15-06-2016Foundation of further training centers in Latin America and Turkey
No country can meet the challenges in the labor market of the 21st century alone. This requires a mixture of cultures, worldviews and talents in order to meet global challenges.
15-01-2019Global expansion
"The digitization of our process structures enabled us to open further locations in South and Central America, Europe and Asia. Educaro is now active in more than seven countries on five continents."
01-01-2020Cultural diversity is very important to us

That's what others say about us

Aachen newspaper
"Nine young adults from Tunis are being trained as nurses."

"Educaro helps young professionals make a hassle-free entry into Germany."

Startup Valley
"The need for qualified workers can only be solved globally."