
International staffing solutions from a single source

Our international care program and your benefits

Our nursing staff are selected for the Educaro nursing program according to clear criteria. In this way, we not only ensure professional qualifications, but also include the private environment in order to ensure sustainable integration with our clinic partners. The people in our program come to Germany because they want to develop professionally and personally. And they bring professional experience and extensive specialist knowledge with them, from which our Germany-wide clinic partners benefit in the long term.

The process at a glance

The selection process developed by professional recruiters in our own assessment centers and our many years of expertise from thousands of interviews ensure planning security. This is because only sufficiently qualified and highly motivated specialists are accepted into the Educaro program.

After successful internal selection, the nursing staff immediately start with the language, cultural or technical training in our training centers. These are both technologically and educationally state-of-the-art. This is how we ensure the high quality of our training concept.

After reaching the A1 language level, the nurses are introduced to our clinic partners. The interviews take place in person in your home country or online – depending on the individual wishes of our clinic partners.

Once the selection has been made, we take care of the necessary administrative matters, such as applying for a visa or the recognition dossier. Incidentally, we offer our clinic partners a transparent progress control and process overview at all times as well as personal and intensive support from our experienced account managers

To relieve our clinic partners, we also support you with entry, from booking the flight to being picked up at the airport and moving into your accommodation. Educaro also supports the specialists in all administrative matters, such as opening a bank account or registering with the authorities.

Immediately after entering the country, the international employees start working as nursing assistants with the new employer. This practice-oriented approach ensures that integration in the team is successful and that work processes can be incorporated quickly. At the same time, the specialists complete our AZAV-certified training measure, which closely interlinks language, theory and practice, in order to prepare them holistically for the practical knowledge test and for employment as a nursing specialist.

The training measure consists of a B2 nursing language course at Educaro and a preparatory course for the knowledge test at one of our partner nursing schools. Furthermore, the practical guidance at the employer is part of the process. This is followed by the telc B2 nursing exam and the knowledge test for nursing professionals.

The nurses then work as fully registered nurses with your new employer.

The visualized process

Sofia Sanchez from Mexico Nurse at the St. Augustinus Kliniken since 2021

Educaro took care of us like family throughout the process and successfully linked us to our new employer in Germany.

Tailored refinancing options

International recruiting projects with Educaro can be refinanced and thus support your concepts for cost-efficient personnel planning. The course costs of our AZAV-certified training measure in Germany are 100% covered by training vouchers. The B2 language course and the preparatory course for the knowledge test are therefore free of charge for the nursing staff and the employer.

Since the nursing staff are employed full-time as nursing assistants during the qualification phase and are released for the courses, the Employment Agency also subsidizes part of the resulting wage costs through the wage subsidy. The subsidy is usually between 50 and 100%.

There are a variety of refinancing options. However, we examine these individually and together with our clinic partners in order to be able to develop an optimally tailored refinancing concept.

Planning security despite program crashes

Despite the tried-and-tested selection process, international nurses may occasionally drop out of the program during the 24-month process. In order to be able to offer our project partners planning security, we work with a backup pool. Based on current, country-specific dropout rates, we recommend selecting more professionals accordingly.

The additional financial expense initially incurred as a result will be deducted accordingly upon entry. We also offer up to 50% reimbursement of costs if the program is canceled after entry, but experience has shown that this is an exception.

Holistic to a sustainable integration

Before entering the country:  During the preparatory phase abroad, the international nursing staff attend regular workshops on German culture, the world of work and mentality. The workshops are interdisciplinary and also serve language training.

After entry:  The nursing staff are already working during the preparatory phase in Germany as nursing assistants on the ward of their new employer. On request, we also actively coordinate and support the integration of nursing staff on the ward, for example by planning intercultural workshops, introductory courses and much more.

Before entering the country:  The international nursing staff learn the B1 level in our educational institutions abroad with the successful completion of the B1 telc-; Goethe-; or ös/telc/ECL exam (country-specific). We prepare all students intensively for the exams and ensure that the group has a synchronous language level through follow-up training. Before entering the country, all candidates receive conversation courses. 

After entry:  The international nurses begin their B2 nursing language course as part of our AZAV-certified measure. The language preparation ends with the successful completion of the B2 telc or Goethe exam.

The course is specifically tailored to international nursing staff and prepares them ideally for the language use on the ward. The nursing staff then complete the telc or Goethe B2 nursing language test in one of the certified test centers.

Before entering the country:  We look after and support the nursing staff in applying for a work permit and submitting the recognition dossier. We also coordinate the entire visa process and communication with the respective German embassy.

After entry:  We coordinate the entire entry. We pick up the nursing staff  from  the airport and support them  during the entire qualification phase in Germany  with administrative matters  on site , such as opening a bank account or registering with the authorities  ,  taking  out health insurance etc.  

Throughout the entire process, we stand by the international nursing staff as a  trustworthy contact person for questions and problems and support them in gaining a foothold here in Germany and in coping  with the new culture and way of life  .

Through personal support, we   track  the  learning success and the satisfaction  of each individual nurse and thus  ensure that  they  successfully complete the qualification phase and  feel comfortable  in Germany  and with their employer. In this way, they can also count on the new employees in the long term. 

We are glad to advise you in person

Would you like to find out more?

We advise you without obligation about a possible cooperation and are at your disposal for questions about our international care program.

Either book an online appointment with our consultants or contact us directly by telephone at:

Digital learning modules as an integrated part of language teaching

By integrating digital learning concepts such as blended learning and flipped classroom, we take the language experience for our caregivers to a new level. This is how we ensure that they are trained efficiently.

But we are also pedagogically at the highest level, thanks to our own curriculum and our own departments for the creation of teaching materials and further training for our teaching staff.

Useful information

As an international educational institution, we consider ourselves as a holistic partner. Because our services go far beyond the mere placement of international nursing professionals. Our goal is to develop long-term staffing strategies to sustainably meet the demand for nursing professionals. Our professionally trained staff create financing concepts tailored to your institution, so that you can take advantage of government funding measures.

 Due to the academic approach of our program, which we guarantee  with our own language and cultural schools both  in the countries of origin of our specialists  and in Germany , we can, unlike conventional placement agencies, ensure communication and bonding with the applicants  and specialists at any time and thus integration influence positively from the start. 

In addition to operating our own international language schools, we work closely with state universities, public and private nursing schools and local authorities in the countries where our specialists come from.

Since the program is completely free for international nurses, we always receive a large number of application exercises and select them carefully. On average, less than 10% of the applicants are accepted into our classes  after prior qualification and motivation have been ensured.

It usually takes 8-14 months between the selection of the specialists by our clinic partners and entry into the country. So-called pocket money financing offers the possibility of shortening the preparatory phase abroad by four months.

In this variant, the applicant quits his existing job in his home country in order to focus exclusively on language training. In return, the caregiver receives a small monthly fee.

This gesture also often leads to a high level of loyalty on the part of the new employees with low fluctuation. After entry, the ten-month  preparatory and integration phase takes place, which concludes with state recognition as a care worker. 

Foreign language acquisition takes place much more efficiently and sustainably if the nursing staff are already in Germany. This allows them to fully focus on language training. Furthermore, they learn the language much faster due to the German-speaking environment.

As an integral part of our AZAV-certified training measure, the B2 language course is also 100% refinanced by training vouchers from the Employment Agency. 

We accompany our international nurses until the successful completion of their recognition process, i.e. at least the first ten months after entry. At the request of the wearer, it is possible to extend the accompaniment to additional months.

We also accompany our clinic partners through the entire migration process and then   advise and support them during the qualification phase in Germany with regard to the integration of international employees and their exam preparation . 

Because if the international employees feel part of the national society, they can make full use of their social and professional skills. Respect, trust, an open welcoming culture on the part of our clinic partners and mutual understanding are essential for this.